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Book Henry James - Italian Hours EPUB, DOC, PDF


'The charm of certain vacant grassy spaces, in Italy, overfrowned by masses of brickwork that are honeycombed by the suns of centuries, is something that I hereby renounce once for all the attempt to express; but you may be sure that whenever I mention such a spot enchantment lurks in it.' - Henry James In these essays on travels in Italy written from 1872 to 1909, Henry James explores art and religion, political shifts and cultural revolutions, and the nature of travel itself. James's enthusiastic appreciation of the unparalleled aesthetic allure of Venice, the vitality of Rome, and the noisy, sensuous appeal of Naples is everywhere marked by pervasive regret for the disappearance of the past and by ambivalence concerning the transformation of nineteenth-century Europe. John Auchard's lively introduction and extensive notes illuminate the surprising differences between the historical, political, and artistic Italy of James's travels and the metaphoric Italy that became the setting of some of his best-known works of fiction. This edition includes an appendix of James's book reviews on Italian travel-writing., Henry James' passion for Italy led him to visit the country 14 times and to set much of his best known fiction in Venice, Florence and Rome. Despite this, his Italian Hours essays have never received much attention. They were written on travels in Italy from 1872 to 1909. This edition sets out to make these essays accessible by establishing their historical, political, literary and artistic context. It aims to help modern readers appreciate that the Italy they envision when they read works such as The Portrait of a Lady or The Wings of the Dove is not necessarily the same Italy that fascinated Henry James., Of all James' travel writings, this volume holds the most pleasure for the reader -- as a warm, careful introduction to a beloved country, as a happy experience shared, and as one of the world's great examples of expository writing.

Italian Hours download TXT, EPUB, DOC

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